Bathroom Remodeling Costs
Bathroom Remodeling Costs
Creating a custom bathroom you love within your budget requires close collaboration. We will work with you inside your budget. No project is ever the same so we will give you a free estimate based on your needs. We created this page so you can see a transparent answer to the question: “What does it cost to remodel a bathroom?”

Tub/Shower ($4-8K)
- Replace existing tub/shower
- No movement of fixtures
- Fix drywall & paint
- New trim
- New lights
Typically 1-2 weeks.

Refresh ($8-15K)
- 8×10′ bathroom
- No movement of fixtures
- New faucet
- New tiled shower/tub
- Fix drywall & paint
- New trim
- New lights
- New backsplash
- New tiled floor
- New vanity and sink
- New countertop
Typically 2-3 weeks.

Custom Remodel ($15-30K)
- 8×10′ bathroom
- New faucet
- Fix drywall & paint
- New trim
- New lights
- New tiled shower/tub
- New tiled floor
- New backsplash
- New custom cabinets
- New custom stone countertops
- New specialty sink
- Heated floor
- Shower system upgrade
Typically 2-4 weeks.